Courage and Confidence - It's Leo Season!
From July 22 to August 21, the sun is in its natural home— the celestial sign of Leo! Offering us all an extra dose of bold, confident energy, and the perfect excuse to wear one of our favourite pieces, the Leo necklace.
Since the sun rules identity, creativity and vitality, get ready to feel Leo’s presence in these areas over the next 30 (or so) days, inviting us all to take up a little more space — or even centre stage.
Leo sparks action and takes charge. Taking charge doesn’t necessarily mean taking control or giving commands though. Taking charge can look like holding your boundaries, or asking others to carve out space for you, instead of making yourself small to accommodate the room. Taking charge can look like claiming your birthright to be seen and heard.
This season summons the lion’s energy within each of us. For anyone calling up courage and confidence, our Leo necklace is the perfect reminder to harness the magic of the stars now, and forever.