Unapologetic and Confident — It's Aries Season!
Happy celestial New Year! Celebrate with our Aries necklace.
As the first sign of the zodiac calendar, Aries energy is pure potential and bright new beginnings.
Known as a fire sign, Aries energy runs hot and bold and is motivated not by intellect or feeling, but by sheer will power.
Taking initiative courageously and moving forward confidently, Aries inspires us all to make bold moves, unapologetically— to stop asking permission to be who we are and to go for what we want.
From March 19 - April 20, the sun is in Aries, gifting you a strong dose of bravery to pursue your own ambitions without hesitation or hold back.
As a celebration of your favourite Aries, or for a bit of magic in your own pursuits, our Aries necklace is a reminder to go boldly in the direction of your dreams.
Shop our Zodiac Necklaces here.